Sunday, April 26, 2009

There has to be more then this.

Why does it seem that “Dl/thug/men" always equate masculine to a way of acting? I know a lot of “Dl/thug/men and more of them to me honest they act more Cunty or fem, effeminate...what have you... It takes them forever to get dress, want to wear, at the barber and manicure shop, in the gym trying to stay pumped so other guys notice them and they are the main ones always gossiping and talking shit about others. That seems really CUNTY TO ME AND QUEEN.
Damn okay I get it and so does everyone one you like what you like. But if yo ass is still here in the same place same time next year. You know why. Our other homosexual/ gay and lesbian counterparts don't seem to have these hang ups and have developed a lot more meaningful relationships and focused more important things such as home and/or business ownership supporting each other dreams. Yet, we still can’t seem to get over the fact that there is more to life the pec or biceps. Whatever happens ....happens ...and we all like what we like but don't come crying to me or be bitter when you are still in that boat rowing around in a circle in this ocean called life. All this saying "not to getting it twisted" is causing me a headache. SHUT UP ALL READY!

C. Hawthorne

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